As a 501(c)3 non-profit we are here to augment the good work currently being done by local sailing programs and organizations. Focused on youth sailing at all levels, but with a special focus on racing, we believe sailing as an activity offers a unique medium for personal growth and enrichment. The joy of sailing and sailboat racing should be enjoyed by the many, not the few.
We are proud to sponsor racing at all levels, from eight year old Opti racers up through college sailing teams. We believe that racing is important because it builds upon and reinforces many of the lessons and concepts introduced in "Learn to Sail." Racing a small boat takes mastery of the fundamentals and an in depth understanding of how a sailboat works. This mastery translates easily across all craft which rely on wind and sails.
A key part of our mission is to provide more access points to the sport of sailing. We are working with existing sailing centers and yacht clubs to expand their "Learn to Sail" programs and point the general public in their direction. A big reason people never start sailing is because the pathway isn't always clearly marked. Along with promotional events The Sailing Foundation continues to award scholarships so that girls and boys enrolled in the Free/Reduced Lunch program can get on the water. Breaking down barriers and making sailing more visible is the focus of our outreach.
The Sailing Foundation is in a unique position to coordinate regional efforts among yacht clubs and sailing centers, while also working with larger organizations like US Sailing and the Interscholastic Sailing Association. We also communicate directly with parents, sailors, and the general public to raise awareness about opportunities and events. The new website provides a one-stop location for disseminating this information and connecting our region.
It's vital that our area has enough well qualified instructors and coaches. Having an inspirational and knowledgeable coach is one of the biggest indicators of success for any junior sailing program or race team. We hope to offer more training opportunities, including opportunities for professional development that go beyond basic Level One training. Personally mentoring younger coaches and putting on staff workshops are other ways that we can help pass the torch of knowledge.
For more complete information on our Youth Sailing Initiative, including schedules, classes and more, visit the website.