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The Foundation News

As part of our on-going missions of supporting area youth sailing and promoting safety at sea, The Sailing Foundation's activities have included many events over the years.

2014 News

2014 Grants and Scholarships

November 28, 2014

The Sailing Foundation provides grants to teams and individuals in support of competitive racing and sailing in the Northwest. View a summary of the funding we provided in 2014.

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Andrew Nelson Hired as Youth Sailing Director

October 10, 2014

The Sailing Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Nelson to the newly-created position of Youth Sailing Director. With this appointment, the Foundation is beginning a major expansion of its support of competitive youth sailing programs in the Pacific Northwest.

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The Sailing Foundation Launches Youth Racing Program

August 4, 2014

The Sailing Foundation Youth Racing (SFYR) is an exciting new effort intended to support Northwest junior sailors' progression to the highest levels of youth sailing. Modeled after California's successful CISA program, SFYR plans to sponsor a series of regional performance clinics for youth sailors (ages 13 - 18) focused on the development of athletic skills, leadership, and sportsmanship to promote a lifelong love of competitive sailing. The clinics will be led by top-level coaches with a proven ability to train and inspire youth racers.

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Puget Sound Summer Sailstice

March 23, 2014

The Sailing Foundation would like to invite everyone to the first annual Puget Sound Summer Sailstice on Saturday, June 21st. The Summer Sailstice goal is to get as many people as possible out sailing on the longest day of the year. The Sailing Foundation is organizing a rally around Blake Island and a beach potluck in Blakely Harbor. There will be prizes for bringing the most new sailors on your boat, coming from the farthest distance, having the oldest and youngest aboard and many other categories. Come help us celebrate summer!

2014 Safety At Sea Seminar

February 28, 2014

The 2014 Seminar, February 22 - 24, offered a US Sailing-sanctioned one-day training with an optional hands-on second training day, plus a free third day on-the-water session on use of the Lifesling.

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7th Annual Coaches Clinic

January 22, 2014

On January 18th, the Sailing Foundation hosted its seventh annual Coaches Clinic for Northwest Youth Racing Programs. Fifty seven coaches and program leaders attended our 2014 clinic, representing high school sailing teams, college sailing teams and yacht club programs in Washington and Oregon. The clinic was held at the Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center, 3800 Lake Washington Blvd, Seattle.

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